Innovative assessment tools for understanding your mental health

HiBoop is building new mental health screening software, ensuring assessments are more accessible than ever before.

  • Obtain immediate, unbiased, scientifically supported insights into your mental health.

  • Get advice on supporting your mental health independently or with professional help.

  • Begin a comfortable and straightforward approach to mental wellness for you and your loved ones.

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Our mission

At Hi Boop, our mission is to empower individuals and healthcare providers with innovative mental health solutions and resources. We are dedicated to improving mental well-being and enhancing care through accessible, effective, and compassionate tools and services. Our goal is to bridge the gap in mental health care, ensuring that every person has the support they need to lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.

A woman sitting on a dock looking out at a body of water

The current state of mental healthcare access and treatment is in a global crisis.


People Worldwide

Currently live with a mental disorder.

Source: World Health Organization


Increased Prevalance

Of anxiety and depression post-pandemic.

Source: World Health Organization


Years on Average

From onset of symptoms to official diagnosis.

Source: National Library of Medicine

But there's hope.

Mental illnesses are treatable, and the impact they have can be reduced.

Over the last decade, we've already begun to see improvement.

  • The stigma around speaking about mental health has been greatly reduced.
  • More funding is delegated to mental healthcare.
  • Early intervention is showing dramatic improvement for mental wellness in our youth.

Let's take a modern approach to addressing the complexities of mental health

Everyone deserves clarity and understanding of their own mental health. The first thing we can all do is create a safe environment to talk about how we're feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Hi Boop! will help individuals and providers alike by using advanced technology paired with decades of science in a new way to investigate and treat our mental health.

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An illustration of four people embracing

HiBoop! will change the initial mental health intake and assessment process.

We're here to give everyone acccess to mental health assessments, regardless of their circumstance. Our aim? Reduce the diagnosis time to 11 weeks, saving years, almost lifetimes of frustration.

A concept image of an assessment chart

Mental health assessments grounded in science, but now more accessible than ever

Standardized tests have quickly become outdated and cumbersome. They are frustrating for everyone to work with, and add to the already overwhelming and significant time it takes to get a mental health assessment.

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A concept image of an assessment chart

Following the DSM-5 with advanced learning technology

Hi Boop! is built by technology experts aimed at reducing the time and friction for in accessing mental health assessments. With confidentiality at top of mind, patients can complete assessments from the comfort of home with a result of faster, outcome based care with their chosen provider.

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A concept image of an assessment chart

A simple addition to providers' current practices, in compliance with medical data standards

Our clinical portal will seamlessly integrate into providers' current practice and EHRs. We prioritize confidentiality, adhering to the highest medical data standards while constantly evolving with the latest mental health research and DSM updates.

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How will HiBoop! work for me?

Woman on couch using phone
  • 1

    Sign-up and start your first assessment

    Use a phone or computer to register, answer a few short demographic questions, and you're on your way to your first assessment.

  • 2

    Get immediate and actionable results

    Immediately after your assessment, receive insights into your mental health. Understand your well-being with our clear, actionable reports.

  • 3

    Continue your journey, self-led or with assistance

    Continue with additional assessments, review personalized resources, or discuss your results with a healthcare provider. You control your mental health journey, and we're here to support every step of the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does Hi Boop offer?

How can I access Hi Boop's mental health assessments?

Is Hi Boop suitable for all age groups?

What measures does Hi Boop take to ensure user privacy and data security?

How can Hi Boop help if I'm experiencing a mental health crisis?

Launching soon Find out more.
Hippa compliant